Saturday 21 April 2012

Marriage material, for the young female student is a curse not a compliment.

There's no point as far as I'm concerned with hiding what is on my mind right now, and, as a matter of fact, what has been on my mind for the last week or so...


 Its been a boy.

How stereotypical, right? Another girl, writing another blog, complaining about her love life, or lack of.

Well thats not what I'm here to do. Lucky for you, I have my patient as ever, friends and family to listen to me moan on (I know, not so lucky for them).

I've never had a massively successful love life while I've been on this planet. I've never had a boyfriend. And I'm twenty.

And I'm going to put my bad luck down to this: I'm 'marriage material'. Apparently.

I'm pretty sure, every guy, I've ever even come close to being with, has used this as his get out of jail card. Consciously or even subconsciously. Charming. I guess its not an insult, and I'm sure there are other girls out there who get this too, but I'm sure these other girls will have the exact same question running over and over in their mind

Why am I being punished for it?

Why would a boy not want to date a nice girl, who won't let him down? Why wouldn't they want a girl they can be proud to date, who they can take home to their mum?

After much deliberation, I am no closer to answering this then I was two years ago. However, I have learnt to justify it, to make myself feel better.

If a boy wants to be single, he'll be single, and NO girl can change that. No matter how easy you play.
This is different to girls. Or at least it is to me and my friends. If I'm single, and thats how I want it to be, a  guy, who I'm attracted to, CAN change the way I feel.

Girls at the end of the day are far less stubborn then guys, and more open to change. All in all, they are more mature.

Therefore, a boy may be attracted to you, and may have even toyed with the idea of taking you out on a date, but if standing before them is a smiley, Kate Middleton-esque girl, who can do no wrong, the idea of taking you out becomes terrifying.

As awful as this sounds, they'll see no obvious flaws in you and run a mile when they realise that this might start a long chain of dates, inevitably, 'clipping their wings'.

Marriage material, for the young female student is a curse not a compliment.

Of course, boys will one day turn into men and will realise that actually, finding one special person is far better then a string of one night stands. But they'll learn this through trial and error, and one day they might just look back at the way they treated you with regret.

After all, karma's a bitch, remember?

This is what I tell myself when yet another immature (often good-looking) boy has let me down.

I try and learn from my mistakes, but I'm young and I want that great love you read about in classic novels, or watch unfold in epic films. And I don't think thats too much to ask for. Its not unrealistic, its ambitious, which is an important attribute to have in life.

I'll be damned if I one day look back on my life and realise I let a few immature boys lower my standards in men. They don't deserve to be affecting my hopes and dreams now, and they sure as hell don't deserve to shape the rest of my life.


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